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why is my left Airpod not working

hey there everybody welcome back to this blog today we're going to talk about why is my left Airpod not working so a lot of people are saying this problem is coming up especially when they're connected to their iPhones so if you guys are having the same problem don't you worry about that because we're going to tell you an easy way to fix your problem 

why is my left Airpod not Working? Some Reason And Solutions are here

now the first work you have to do guys you need to just do one work quickly  just go ahead and shake one setting  from your iPhone so just go ahead and open up your settings and then scroll  down here and tap accessibility and then scroll down one more time and tap audio and visual scroll down here just  make sure to turn off your mono audio  and scroll down here and just make sure  to balance your speaker in the middle  because if you're using to the left side on the right side this problem can happening with your earpad pro and just  go ahead and place it in the middle and  then just simply get out of here just  play some music to check whether your  lip speaker or your right speaker is working well or not if not go ahead and  check out our next process  

the next quick things you have to do you  have to make sure that your airpod pro  is actually charging so what happens sometimes let's see if your left Airpod or the right three airpod is not  charging this problem could happen so we can do make sure they are charging  properly but for some reason if your left airpod or right airpod is not  charging the things you have to do just  go ahead and take them out and make sure  to clean this middle surface just go  ahead and just you know to use one of an  in any cloth you have just go ahead and  just clean those out  in the meantime all you can do just go ahead and just clean this inside of this  case so you can use a cotton bar of  course and you can just go ahead and  just place it in there and make sure to  clean your case as well  now afterward just go ahead and place  them back here and you'll be able to see  your case will start charging and you'll  be able to solve your problem  

in the next process guys all we  recommend you to check is the software update okay now if your airpod has the new software update and if you didn't  update it to the latest version then  this problem could happen with your  airpod pro now the question is how can it shake the software version so check  it out the first work you have to do  guys once again open up your settings  and then scroll down to your bluetooth  and tap on their connected you know  airpod pro and scroll down here and then you'll be able to see the version which  is running right away so here you guys  can see the version right here now just  simply get out of here open up your browser and simply type earpad pro wiki  and then you're going to see this first  link from wikipedia now go ahead and tap  these wikipedias options or the link  which is coming from wikipedia just go  ahead and tap on there and then scroll  down here and then you'll be able to see  this version called current farmer  update and you have to check this out so  if you see the different from here  then your bluetooth that all you have to  do just make sure that your earpod is  very close to your iphone and make sure  it's connected and leave them as it is  after let's say for 50 to 30 minutes  then it will get auto update and it will  solve your problem after updating your  airpod pro to the latest version if  you're still having the same problem 

guys the next thing you have to do is  simply just go ahead and just disconnect  it from your iPhone and then reconnect  it again with your iPhone Bluetooth to check  whether it is working or not now to do  this process the first workout i gotta  do is from here just simply open up your  settings come down to your bluetooth  section tap on there tap on your eye  icon and then get back to the down and  tap forget this device tap forget device  and tap forget device for last time and  then what will happen it will disconnect  your earpods from your iPhone afterward  just close your case  just around five seconds and then simply  turn it on or just open your case and  then you will see this pop-up will  appear on your iPhonething just hit connect  and then you'll be able to see your  earpad will get connected now let's go  ahead and check whether you're being  able to fix your one earpod is working  or not okay so afterward if you see  you're still having the same problem  

guys the last things you got gotta do  just go ahead and give it a reset to fix  your problem now just go ahead and turn  it back to the last side and just tap  and hold or just go ahead and press this  button okay keep it holding around some  time unless you see this color changes  with orange or raid okay  let me just go ahead and just keep  holding it first sometimes  and now just let it go  afterward you will see this pop-up will  appear all you gotta do just tap connect  now skip it and just go ahead and check  whether it is working or not if you are  still having the problem guys please let  us know in the comment section so that  we can help you more or we can help you  further so this i can solve the problem